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On Thursday morning,October29th,2015 at 8:00 on Belgian timing, our organization received a complaint from the family of Sayab Alaqabi; the journalist at the site of Iraq News. Sayab Alaqabi is well-known for his media activities, as well as for his remarkable support for popular peaceful civilians’ demonstrations to demand for services and for the minimum rights in the ”rich of oil” province of Basra in Iraq.

  The young Iraqi journalist Sayab was subject to a lot of threat because of his ample understanding and support to the demands of the Iraqi citizens who are looking forward at their government to offer them the best possible services in accordance with the bounties owned by the country.

   On Thursday morning, when the journalist Sayab got out of his house to go to work, he was halted in the center of Iraqi Basra province by a SUV with no board numbers. Then, a number of individuals arrested him immediately.

   The Belgian Organization for Human Rights and Development shows its solidarity with the family of the journalist Sayab Alaqabi, and calls for the United Nations organizations to immediately urge the Iraqi government to assume its responsibility in unveiling the fate of the journalist Sayab Alaqabi.

     The Iraqi government is claimed legally, in accordance with the Geneva Convention of  133/74 in 1992, to protect individuals from enforced disappearances. This agreement, which was signed by the Iraqi government in 1974 and 1992 necessitates that the government should act  immediately to reveal the fate of the journalist Sayab Alaqabi.

 It is worth noting that the Belgian Organization for Human Rights and Development is following the case of the journalist Sayab Alaqabi through its institutions of human rights organizations inside and outside Iraq till the journalist Saab Alaqabi’s issue is clarified.