Iraq's Zap region and Daesh’s unhuman crimes

Iraq's Zap region and Daesh’s unhuman crimes

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The Belgian International Organization for Human Rights and Development has documented the terrorist organization Daesh’s offensive execution of citizen Mohsen Saleh Khader Jadou, 48, and his wife Soraya Mohamed Hussein, 45. Indeed, the couple are among the inhabitants of the region Zab located in Hawija district in the province of Kirkuk. The victims were shot in the presence of their relatives and a crowd of people under the pretext of communicating with the Iraqi security forces and trying to escape from the city to Iraqi government control zones. Worse even, the parents of the victims were prevented from setting up a funeral.

Our organization has also spotted the deterioration of the health and social situation in this area due to the mobilization of the terrorist organization of all its forces to fight the Iraqi forces that were preparing for the recovery of the region. The inhabitants also stressed to our organization that feeling of fear is prevalent because they cannot escape outside the city, which is on the outskirts of fierce battles.

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